Virtual Tour
Image for Virtual Tour
A virtual tour is a digital simulation of a real-world location that recreates the experience of exploring that space. Virtual tours can be created using a variety of techniques. The visiTOUR.US digital experience platform provides two primary ways to feature virtual tours.

The first, called "detail mode", is a text-and-photo-only method that walks visitors through your institution step-by-step, featuring an image of each area of interest or "stop", and listing objects called out for further review. Detail mode can also include visitor response "tasks" which makes this method perfect for question-answer interaction including escape room puzzle experiences. Coupled with audio clips and even videos if you choose, the detail mode makes the best of information-rich tours and experiences.

The second presentation mode is "virtual mode". Compatible with full 360-degree panoramic images and video, the visiTOUR.US platform can mimic, as closely as possible, the experience of being in your built environment, complete with panoramic video and immersive audio. While no virtual tour can completely replace the experience of being there in person, the virtual mode in the visiTOUR.US system can help alleviate accessibility issues based on geography, hours of operation, or safety concerns, as well as open your doors to a wider audience and outreach.

Below is the link to the visiTOUR.US "Harvest House" Escape Room demo. Feel free to visit on your desktop browser or mobile device.